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Heng An Standard Life (Asia) adds 22 new investment choices to its investment-linked products

Company  |  2023-07-26

Q3 2023 economic outlook with continued focus on inflation control and risk balancing

Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited (“HASL Asia”, or the “Company” hereafter) has released its economic outlook for Q3 2023, with inflation control and risk balancing as the key themes dominating this quarter. The Company has also added 22 new investment choices to its Investment-Linked Assurance Scheme (“ILAS”) products, bringing its total number of investment choices to more than 290, managed by over 20 world-renowned fund managers. The Company offers the highest number of investment choices among ILAS insurers in Hong Kong.

HASL Asia highlights in its economic outlook the importance of central banks worldwide addressing unexpectedly strong inflationary pressures without unduly harming economic growth. While maintaining a restrictive monetary policy is vital to keeping inflation in check, central banks also have to balance the delayed impact of interest rate hikes on the housing and financial markets with significant economic uncertainties.

China's GDP grew by 5.5% year on year in the first half of this year, positioning it as the fastest-growing major economy in the world during this period. While cumulative RMB-denominated exports in this period remained positive year on year, exports for June 2023 declined compared to the previous year, pointing to the risks of a lurking global economic downturn. Despite the slump in the housing market and the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, domestic demand in Mainland China has continued to grow, driven by higher savings rates.

Harriet Zhang, Chief Investment Officer of HASL Asia, said: “In the short term, there is mounting uncertainty among investors regarding economic growth. The market expects targeted monetary and industrial policies, such as stimulus measures like cuts in interest rates and the bank reserve requirement ratio, and easing of certain industrial policies.”

To meet the needs of customers in a volatile global economic environment, HASL Asia has added 22 new investment choices under its ILAS products. With this addition, the total number of investment choices available to customers will number over 290, the most offered by any ILAS insurer in Hong Kong. The company has also expanded its cash dividend distribution choices to 43, including investment choice in currencies such as USD, GBP, JPY and RMB, among others. Moreover, HASL Asia has included the sectors of infrastructure and scientific research among its choices for investment themes in order to provide a wider range of choices for ILAS customers.

Olivia Liu, Chief Executive of HASL Asia, said: “Despite the economic uncertainties, HASL Asia remains committed to leveraging our strength and extensive network to provide more investment choices and quality services to empower our customers in their wealth planning journey. In the first half of the year, we maintained our position as a market leader in the single-premium ILAS market via the broker channel. As we look ahead to the second half of the year, we are actively preparing for new products and services enhancements, and are engaging with professional organisations to provide more investment and financial information through our MoreAcademy platform. Our goal is to raise public awareness of long-term financial management and deliver on our brand proposition ‘Get more from life’.”

The Company's Investment Choices Centre (ICC) offers customers a comprehensive range of information, including quotes, data charts, and analyses of cumulative or annual performance of investment choices. This enables customers to manage their portfolios and meet market needs more effectively.

Harriet Zhang, Chief Investment Officer of HASL Asia

Important Notes

  • Investment involves risk. It is important to note that the capital value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and may become valueless and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance contained in this press release is not a reliable indicator of future performance whilst any forecasts, projections and simulations contained herein should not be relied upon as an indication of future results.
  • This press release is for general circulation and informational purposes only, and the information and content provided herein are for general information and reference purposes only. When compiling this press release, no specific customer or purpose was considered, nor were any specific customer's investment objectives, financial situation, or personal circumstances or needs taken into account. This press release does not constitute, nor is it intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial, investment, tax, or any other advice. Any information and content stated or provided should not be construed as a solicitation, recommendation, or inducement to purchase any product (including but not limited to insurance products) or service. You should not use or rely on this press release for making any decisions. Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited (“HASL Asia”, or the “Company” hereafter) shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or other consequences whatsoever that may arise or be associated with any use or reliance on this press release and its opinions and/or information provided. Investors should evaluate the relevance, accuracy, and adequacy of the data, forecasts, and/or opinions contained in this press release and conduct independent investigations as they deem necessary or appropriate. If you have any questions regarding the content of this press release, you should seek independent professional advice. You should carefully read and understand the relevant product sales documents, especially the risk disclosure statements and warnings, before making any investment decisions.
  • The information contained in this press release is compiled based on sources that HASL Asia deems reliable; however, these sources have not been independently verified, and HASL Asia makes no express or implied representation or warranty as to the accuracy, validity, timeliness, completeness, or correctness of this press release and the opinions and/or information provided herein. Some statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements that provide current expectations or forecasts of future events. It is important not to rely excessively on such information. Any forecasts and opinions expressed in this press release are for general market commentary or illustration purposes only and do not constitute independent research reports. They do not provide investment advice or guarantee any returns. All opinions, forecasts, and estimates are judgments made by HASL Asia as of the date of this press release, and HASL Asia has no obligation to update the opinions and/or information provided in this press release, whether based on new information, future events, or other reasons. HASL Asia also has no obligation to update the actual results or to inform the public of any differences between the expected and actual results of forward-looking statements. The contents of this press release are subject to change without prior notice.
  • This press release is issued by HASL Asia and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.
  • This press release is only intended for distribution in Hong Kong and may not be distributed in any jurisdiction where such distribution is prohibited. This document is owned by HASL Asia. Modification or change is not allowed without the HASL Asia’s prior consent.
  • ©2023 Heng An Standard Life (Asia) Limited. All rights reserved. 

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